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how to earn Bitcoins through the Bitbond platform?

Investing in Bitcoin, or how to earn Bitcoins through the Bitbond platform?

The social lending market using Bitcoin technology is still in the early stages of its development, but you can see that it is accelerating at a rapid pace. Loan values ​​are starting to increase, and there are more and more people willing to invest in Bitcoin. This is comparable to that of the social platform market in 2008. However, the opportunities offered by investing in Bitcoin are enormous. The possibility of diversifying the loan portfolio, access to investing in borrowers from other countries, as well as low fees associated with it seem to be an offer worth attention.

how to earn Bitcoins through the Bitbond platform

The combination of social loans with Bitcoin technology is therefore definitely a very innovative solution, making the investment in Bitcoin not only noticeable profits but also a lot of fun.

Here you can find a guide in English, provided by the company itself, however below I present my own guide on how to invest in Bitcoin using the Bitbond platform. At the moment, the website is not available in Polish, but as its representatives assure, in 2017 such a version will definitely appear. What am I looking forward to!

Now we'll begin

1. Create your account

  • Step 1. Click here to go to the platform home page.

  • Step 2. Select "I want to invest or earn as an affiliate"
  • Step 3. Fill in your basic personal data (1), indicate that you agree with the regulations (2), and finally click "Join Now" (3).
  • Step 4. Check your email, confirm your registration.
  • Step 5. Log in using your login and password.

2. Confirm your identity

  • Step 1. After logging in, click "personalize your profile here"
  • Step 2. Go to "Personal Details"
  • Step 3. Fill in the basic data, including Your home address, and save the changes by clicking "Save changes"
  • Step 4. Click "Identify Verification"
  • Step 5. Start the verification by clicking the "START VERIFICATION" button. Make sure you have your ID card or passport with you. Unfortunately, it will be necessary for your Bitcoin investment to start.

After confirming your identity, you are now ready to start investing your Bitcoins!

3. Investment in Bitcoin

  1. Step 1. For your Bitcoin investment to begin, you must transfer funds to your Bitbond account. Click on the Bitcoin symbol in the upper right corner.
  2. Step 2. Send your Bitcoins to your personal Bitcoin address created for you by Bitbond. (By clicking 'Convert BTC' you can link your bank account and buy the cryptocurrency directly)
  3. Step 3. Your deposit should appear within a moment.
  4. Step 4. Once the Bitcoins are on your account, click "INVEST IN LOANS"
  5. Step 5. Bitcoin investment, it's time to start!

On the right side of the screen, you can filter which loans you want to invest in. An important aspect in this matter is "Base currency", i.e. translating into Polish the "base currency" of the loan. To mitigate the risk associated with frequent fluctuations in the Bitcoin exchange rate, most loans on the Bitbond platform are denominated in US dollars (USD). In this case, Bitcoin is only used as a payment network. The user taking out a loan of USD 1,000, receives its equivalent in Bitcoins, and then is obliged to return USD 1,000 + interest in Bitcoins (regardless of the Bitcoin rate at the moment). For those interested, an investment in Bitcoin can also be made only with the help of the BTC cryptocurrency, but of course, it is associated with a higher risk of exchange rate fluctuations. So, investing in Bitcoin with Bitbond also takes into account currency risk that can be easily avoided.

You can also select the Borrower's Rating (A- best, F-worst). This is a user creditworthiness rating issued by the platform. The rating from A to C is defined by the website as an investment in Bitcoin with low risk.

The last step is to choose the loan length, i.e. how long you want to invest your Bitcoins.

  • Step 6. When you see loans that meet your selected criteria, choose the one you are interested in and invest 😉 In the loan description, you will find information about the borrower, a description of the purpose for which your investment will be allocated, what social and sales accounts have been connected by the given user, as well as who has invested so far.
  • Step 7. The final step is investing in Bitcoin - Click the "Invest" button and confirm the size of the investment.

That's all! As you can see, the whole process is not complicated, and investing in Bitcoin in this form is definitely worth considering. In my example, for over a year of investing, I managed to achieve an internal rate of return (IRR) of 13%!



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